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[大班英语教案] pig

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发表于 2015-2-3 16:52:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Teaching  style:  New le o   
Teaching  Time:  One  
Teaching  aims:   
1.To learn some new words about farm: mouse, pig, fox.  
2.To learn a poem: These are grandma's gla es.  
Language  points: The new word  and po e ive's.  
Difficult  points:  
1.The po e ive's.  
2.The poem: These are grandma's gla es.  
Teaching  aids: Computer, tape and some word cards.  
Teaching  methods: Communicative a roach  
Blackboard  design: These are Grandma's gla es.  
Teaching ste :  
Step1 Warm up:  
1.Sing the song  together "Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes".  
Sing and do the actio  2 times.   
2.Listen and do the actio :  
Touch your nose/ head/ legs/ feet/...  
Ask some   to come to the front to act.  
Step2 Review  
T points to self and introduces:  
This is my body. This is my head. These are my eyes...  
Let's   point to themselve  and  repeat.  
Then ask some   to introduce  themselves in grou .  
Step3 Look, listen and repeat.  
Look at the screen: A car.  
Let's   look at the screen and gue  what we'll learn this le on.  
1.Teach the words "pig".  Read and repeat.   
Then read one by one or read in pairs.  
2.T asks "How do you go to a farm?"  
  can a wer with the words we've learnt before.  
T elicits the new word "motorbikes" and let   gue  the meaning.  
Read and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of "pig".  
3.T"Now let'  go to the farm ,let's go to see the animals."  
Let's  guess  the meaning of "animals".:"fox".  
Read and repeat.  
4.Show   the slides of "pig, fox" ,read and repeat.  
Pay attentio  to the pronunciation of" mouse".  
Step4 Read and repeat.  
1.Look at the card  and read the new words one by one.  
2.Look at the   some cards.  
  read in pairs.  Check each other.  
3.Look at the card: The farm.   
Let's   say out the words again.  
4.Show   the word cards one by one , let   say out them as quickly as they can.  
The  Let's try to make some sentences with the new words in Chinese and English.  
Step5  Say and do the actio   
Look at the card: The poem.   
1.Play the tape,   listen to the poem 2 times.   
2.T says the poem sentence by sentence with actio :  
For example:  
These are Grandma's gla es: mime gla es on eyes.  
This is Grandpa's hat: mime putting a hat on the hat.  
Grandma, Grandma folds her arms: folds arms...  
Let's   guess  the meaning.  
3. Explain for the  .  Pay attention to "Grandma's/Grandpa's", give   some other examples: Amy's...,  Deming's..., my father's...  
4.Teach the poem line by line.  
5.Play the tape again, and let   try to repeat several times.  
Then   clap and say together.  
Gra  the new words we've learnt today and try to say the poem fluently.           [/td]                          [/tr]      [/table]              

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