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[幼儿园体育论文] 论文:幼儿体育活动中应注意哪些安全

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发表于 2014-11-18 11:13:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Is the child of nature, is children's favorite outdoor sports activities, teachers should be organized in various forms a variety of outdoor sports activities, to improve preschool physical fitness, promote the development of their physical and mental health. But in outdoor sports activities, and there are many unsafe factors, "the kindergarten education guidelines," pointed out: "teachers should put the protecting children's life and promoting health in young children in the first place", so that teachers in organized outdoor sports activities, how to reducing hidden insecurity factors in the movement? Want to attract attention from what aspects? Through the observation of the sports activities organized by the teachers and their teaching experience for many years, I think we should consider the following several aspects:
  One, the activity content.
  《纲要》中指出:"体育活动要尊重幼儿身体生长发育的规律和年龄特征,不进行不适合幼儿的体育活动项目训练"。 教师选择活动教材时,应根据幼儿年龄特点,估计幼儿活动能力,因地制宜,合理地设计活动内容。比如像小班的孩子,在跑、跳及运动器械的运用等方面还缺乏一定的能力,在设计活动的时候应该多考虑慢走、爬、钻等适合小班幼儿年龄特点的活动内容,主要以游戏的形式来完成,以免运动量过大或超负荷等给孩子带来的运动损伤及心理负担。
  The outline points out: "physical activity to respect law and age characteristics of children's physical growth and development, is not is not suitable for young children's sports activities project training". Choice activity teaching material, teachers should according to children's age characteristic, estimate children's activity, adjust measures to local conditions, reasonable design activities. Like a small child, in the aspects such as running, jumping and the use of the sports equipment is also a lack of certain ability, at the time of design activities should consider more walking, climbing, drilling and other activities for small children age characteristics, mainly in the form of game to complete, so as not to overdo it or overload, sports injury and psychological burden for children.
  Two, activity venues, sports equipment.
  Before every sports activities, the teacher should be according to the content, equipment, decorate venues to choose activities. Equipment selection activities, decorate venues to one of the key link is to check the venue and equipment security, if the ground not level off or too narrow can inconvenience and danger to the child's activities, and before the activity to check whether equipment whether there is damage, edge contour sharp, such as throwing the activity to reasonable arrangement good throwing direction, distance and organize activities of children's order, so as to avoid throwing things to the child cause unnecessary damage.
  Third, dress.
  Children's clothing is also sports a very key and the teacher most ignored the problem. Before every sports activities, the teacher should check the child's dress, such as shoelaces good have no, do you have any shoes against the phenomenon, whether the clothes wear too thick too close, button button is fine, although these are small problems, but will give children bring great threat to the security, such as running once deployed on the shoes, the children may fall; Too thick clothes can make children feel heavy and not flexible in movement, after the activity caused by sweating too much cold; Clothes are too tight will put don't open activities and even pull a muscle. In front of the sports activities, therefore, teachers should not afraid of trouble, carefully check the child's dress, dress to facilitate movement and not just children, the teacher also should take good start, to facilitate movement to wear, so, in the demonstration to the right shows the behavioral essentials, or revoke high-heeled shoes for their children.
  Fourth, safety consciousness, safety skills.
  Have the body of the safety awareness and safety problems in the children's sports. Teachers have safety consciousness, can foresee and estimation activities of security and the security check before activities. Children's sports activities, although no one is willing to safety accidents, but, after all, children are active body accident sometimes occurs in casual in, the teacher must have a strain, sprains, falls, and the simple processing of small injuries such as skills and bruised. In addition, teachers need to pay attention to cultivate children's safety consciousness in sports, such as don't push above companion, hand to hold when I fell down, don't throw missiles, jumping, or running faster don't laughing or stick out their tongue when, have damage to tell the teacher in time, motor overheating don't be so quick to drinking water and so on. The teacher wants to repeatedly remind children of the importance of sports safety, to stop the occurrence of unsafe behavior, cultivate good habits children safety campaign.
  "Kindergarten education guidelines" requirements to kindergarten for children's body, intelligence and morality, beauty comprehensive development from the aspects of education, the "body" in the first place, embodies the kindergarten education in the major of "health". To implement the spirit of the outline, I park the children sports as garden this research and the course characteristics of kindergarten carried out for a long time, so, in sports activities to protect the safety of children, train children's safety consciousness, is my garden, every teacher should prepare the basic common sense, as long as the children's movement, raise the safety consciousness, the organizer of can are reducing movement for participants to bring security hidden danger, to match the outline requirements, in order to better promote the harmonious development of children's physical and mental health                                                                                                                                                               

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